GitHub In The Terminal hero

GitHub In The Terminal

Let’s integrate GitHub into the terminal using the GitHub CLI, gh-dash, and the Octo Neovim plugin. In this live stream I experiment with adding new features to my tools to improve my experience with using GitHub on the command line.



A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub πŸš€

πŸ”­ 4,380

Here are a couple of features I added to gh-dash:

- key: e
command: >
tmux display-popup -d {{.RepoPath}} -w 80% -h 90% -E 'nvim -c ":Octo issue edit {{.IssueNumber}}"'
- key: i
command: >
tmux display-popup -d {{.RepoPath}} -w 80% -h 90% -E 'nvim -c ":Octo issue create"'
- key: O
command: >
tmux new-window -c {{.RepoPath}} 'nvim -c ":Octo pr edit {{.PrNumber}}"'

Also, in order to keep gh dash up-to-date, run the following command:

Terminal window
gh extension upgrade --all



Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor

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Here is how I configure Octo.nvim using the Lazy.nvim plugin manager:

return {
cmd = "Octo",
dependencies = {
config = function()
require("octo").setup({ enable_builtin = true })
vim.cmd([[hi OctoEditable guibg=none]])
keys = {
{ "<leader>o", "<cmd>Octo<cr>", desc = "Octo" },

I had previously created many custom leader key bindings but found I wasn’t using them. So, thanks to this issue I opened, I can simplify it down to <leader>o which opens Telescope with all the potential Octo commands.



A lua neovim plugin to generate shareable file permalinks (with line ranges) for several git web frontend hosts. Inspired by tpope/vim-fugitive's :GBrowse

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This plugin makes it easy to get a unique GitHub URL to a line of code in a repo. You can use the following lines to install it with lazy.nvim:

return {
dependencies = "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",
opts = {},

Now, you can press <leader>gy and it will automatically detect the line your cursor is on and copy a unique GitHub URL to that source code to your clipboard.



Git integration for buffers

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This is my favorite git plugin for Neovim. It has many features, primarily showing git diff status in the sign column. Here is how I configure it using lazy.nvim:

return {
event = "BufReadPre",
opts = function()
local icons = require("config.icons")
--- @type Gitsigns.Config
local C = {
on_attach = function(buffer)
local gs = package.loaded.gitsigns
local function map(mode, l, r, desc)
vim.keymap.set(mode, l, r, { buffer = buffer, desc = desc })
map("n", "]g", gs.next_hunk, "Next Hunk")
map("n", "[g", gs.prev_hunk, "Prev Hunk")
map({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>gg", ":Gitsigns stage_hunk<CR>", "Stage Hunk")
map({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>gx", ":Gitsigns reset_hunk<CR>", "Reset Hunk")
map("n", "<leader>gG", gs.stage_buffer, "Stage Buffer")
map("n", "<leader>gu", gs.undo_stage_hunk, "Undo Stage Hunk")
map("n", "<leader>gX", gs.reset_buffer, "Reset Buffer")
map("n", "<leader>gp", gs.preview_hunk, "Preview Hunk")
map("n", "<leader>gb", function()
gs.blame_line({ full = true })
end, "Blame Line")
map("n", "<leader>gd", gs.diffthis, "Diff This")
map("n", "<leader>gD", function()
end, "Diff This ~")
map({ "o", "x" }, "ih", ":<C-U>Gitsigns select_hunk<CR>", "GitSigns Select Hunk")
return C

The commands I hightlight in the live stream are ]g and [g to navigate between hunks, <leader>gg and <leader>gx to stage and reset hunks, and <leader>gG to stage the entire buffer.



simple terminal UI for git commands

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Lastly, I integrated Octo more into my favorite git CLI tool, lazygit, by overwritting the β€œo” command with a custom command and setting the origional command to β€œO”.

- key: "o"
command: "nvim -c ':Octo pr create'"
context: "localBranches"
loadingText: "Loading Octo"
description: "Open pull request with Octo"
subprocess: true
createPullRequest: "O"

Overall this was fun exploring these tools on the live stream. Each of the tools explored have different features to offer and I can see myself replacing a lot of my time on with gh-dash, octo.nvim, and lazygit.

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Dev Workflow Intro

Your guide to creating a powerful and intuitive development workflow in the terminal.

The terminal is a powerful tool for developers, but it can be overwhelming to know where to start. This guide will help you create a powerful development environment in the terminal. Here are some of the things you'll learn.

  • Install packages and keep them up-to-date
  • Design a minimalist, distraction-free, user-interface
  • Use familiar keyboard shortcuts
  • Manage multiple projects with ease
  • Integrate with Git and GitHub
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